Guessing Games Made Productive and Fun

Posted by ABND on March 29, 2018

At ABND, whenever we decide to take up our pens and papers, we’re cooking up a storm! On one such morning, we played blind drawing in duos. While one of us explained the details of a picture, the other person was sitting across, facing away from him. This person had to decode the structure at first, followed by the finer details of the image, as and how explained by the possessor of the image. A timer was set. And the process fired ahead, helping us realize how we usually fall short of words when explaining even a simple image of say a child with a flower or a monster sitting and having popcorn. While the rights and lefts got confusing, the drawing skills of many of us were such that we couldn’t tell a human from a bird! The cine going monster with the popcorn tub turned out to be the closest to the original image, emerging as the winner of the blind drawing competition! Kunal, the sailor of our ship, got it the best, being guided by M.C’s clear-cut detailed descriptives.

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