India’s Greatest Logo Legend Leaves Footprints in the Sands of Branded Times

Posted by ABND on April 12, 2018

Sudarshan Dheer, the logo legend who created the brand identities of numerous corporate organizations including HP, Titan, Kissan or Centurion Bank, passed away, leaving a trail of learnings behind.

Dheer always said that the term ‘design’ was used loosely. Designing in India faced the challenge of colour coding. In his lifetime he led a colour crusade saying that salvation would be reached only when there is a 100% colour match of the designers with the domain of print production.

The late American artist, Paul Peter Piech, who worked briefly with Dheer, wrote, “His corporate identity symbols have a pure sense of grace, beauty and fresh inventiveness that give a bold and vigorous visual identity.”

The design sensibility of Sudarshan Dheer, with such clear conceptualizations in design, is something that we should look ahead to retain when developing memorable identities.

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