
Strategic Research and Insighting
Brand Essence
Brand and Business Alignment

Brand Architecture
Visual Identity
Brand Toolkits and Guidelines

Rebranding the premier manufacturer of simulators in India and Asia

The Challenge

Despite its global renown spanning 24 countries, Tecknotrove faced a branding dilemma characterised by a lack of cohesive brand architecture. While its product brands enjoyed significant recall and equity, the parent brand lagged behind. The challenge at hand was to rebrand Tecknotrove, imbuing it with a distinct Brand Essence and ensuring a unified identity across all customer touchpoints. The goal was to elevate Tecknotrove's presence on the global stage and establish a cohesive brand identity that resonated with its diverse clientele across industries.

Our Approach

The simulation industry encompasses two distinct yet interrelated components: technological software development and practical manufacturing of machinery for execution. ABND’s expertise was extended to both realms, acquiring hands-on experience in navigating software interfaces to comprehend user experience (UX) intricacies, alongside physically engaging with simulators to grasp their operational functionalities.

To gain insights, ABND conducted immersion sessions focusing on:

  • Understanding the intricacies of simulators and their applications.
  • Exploring how organisations across various industries leverage simulators to train their workforce effectively.
  • Conducting one-on-one discussions with key stakeholders to gather valuable perspectives and feedback.


ABND discerned the paramount significance of precision and accuracy in simulator training, spanning from software design to trainer proficiency and simulator performance optimization.

It was unveiled that Tecknotrove cultivated an expansive ecosystem dedicated to simulation-based training, boasting a team of experts adept at resolving intricate challenges across 26 countries and in 25 diverse languages.

  • Innovators - Tecknotrove pioneered the establishment of a comprehensive training ecosystem through simulation.
  • Risk Takers & Problem Solvers - Specializing in preemptively addressing and resolving critical challenges, Tecknotrove demonstrated expertise in its field.
  • Trailblazers - Maintaining a position at the forefront of industry advancements, Tecknotrove boasted 100% indigenous status and possessed in-house research and development capabilities, enabling the delivery of cutting-edge customized simulators.
  • Global Presence - Recognized globally for its esteemed reputation and robust network, Tecknotrove prioritized offering unparalleled support, service, and quality on a worldwide scale.

These aforementioned principles seamlessly integrated into the Brand Essence: "Precise today. Perfect tomorrow."

Brand Identity:

Situated strategically at the pinnacle of the logo, the "guiding star" unit serves as a symbol of innovation, leadership, reliability, and trust. Formed by stars converging to generate ripples, this emblem represents the ripple effect stemming from the initial training phase. A simulator's efficacy hinges on its precision during training and testing, ensuring flawless performance in real-world scenarios.


The brand has garnered global acclaim following its launch, eliciting positive feedback from clients and stakeholders alike. Market perception of the brand has significantly strengthened, paving the way for anticipated long-term success and a trajectory aligned with strategic objectives.

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