Dr. Polaris

Strategic Research and Insighting
Brand Purpose and Positioning
Brand Strategy
Brand and Business Alignment
Brand Architecture
Brand Naming

Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Brand Communication
Launch Strategy

Transforming Medical Education through innovative EdTech Solutions

The Challenge

Amidst the pandemic, practical medical training faced disruptions, casting uncertainty on the preparedness of upcoming interns and residents. The task at hand was to establish a brand extending beyond exam preparation, moulding Dr. Polaris to represent authority and trust in the medical domain.

The Approach

To instil confidence in hospitals regarding Dr. Polaris' commitment to preparing students for real-world healthcare challenges ABND undertook the following initiatives:

  • Focused Group Discussion with the key leadership figures
  • In-depth telephonic interviews with 100+ MBBS students, PAN India
  • In-depth interviews with Dr. Polaris employees (including those in Content Creation, Marketing, Operations, Academics, Animation and Editing, IT)

The research aimed to gain a profound understanding of Dr. Polaris' operations and extract insights from external stakeholders, with a specific focus on students. The goal was to illuminate existing market needs and identify gaps in the current landscape.

Our Solution

In the contemporary landscape, there is a considerable influence held by faculty and seasoned practitioners, emphasising the imperative need for their optimal mobilisation. However, findings derived from ABND’s research uncovered a notable insufficiency in the capacity of senior faculty members at academic institutions to provide mentorship to students or attend to their inquiries, a challenge further intensified by the pandemic.

Furthermore, an exhaustive study of various Medical institutes throughout India facilitated the identification of six pivotal elements delineating their external perceptions: legacy and credibility, faculty community, global orientation, experiential learning, infrastructure and facilities, and academic excellence. However, these factors were frequently accounted as foundational within the medical domain.

In crafting the unique online identity of Dr. Polaris, it was important to therefore understand how students accessed information beyond the confines of their academic institutions. This meticulous analysis extended across diverse platforms such as Quora, NCBI portals, Healthline, and Medscape, revealing a vast yet intricate landscape. The prevalent challenges uncovered included one-way communication, a lack of guidance, and a distinct preference for focused and organised learning.

Armed with these insights, Dr. Polaris was strategically positioned as an experiential platform, adept at addressing students' real-time needs and providing an innovative, practically-oriented virtual learning experience. At its core, it became a conduit for the delivery and optimization of information throughout the various stages of student journeys. Dr. Polaris undertook the responsibility of not only processing information but also delivering it in a manner that significantly augmented the learning experience. By doing so, the platform successfully alleviated the challenges that students would otherwise face in their pursuit of knowledge, thereby establishing itself as a beacon of streamlined and enriched medical education.

Brand Identity

The redefined brand identity adopts a digital-centric approach, characterised by a unique colour scheme featuring Learning Blue and Experience Purple. Learning Blue conveys elements of credibility and trust, while Experience Purple represents motivation and purpose. The 'R' in the Dr. Polaris logo serves as inspiration for a distinctive visual pattern, symbolising constancy, continuity, and motion—a visual representation of the journey denoted by the name Polaris. Additionally, the use of an illustrative style ensures adaptability, steering clear of restrictive imagery often reliant on photoshoots or generic stock visuals.

Brand Communication

To establish Dr. Polaris as a genuine guiding force and aligned with the strategy of fostering a digital experience for our students, we introduced the concept of 'Out of the World Learning.' This entailed identifying and refining specific keywords, presented in a unique 'out of the world' manner, creating an association with space and accentuating distinctiveness.


Dr. Polaris, inaugurated under the patronage of Dr. Shashi Tharoor, serves as an exemplar of triumph, notably evident in its exceptional performance in the App Store as well as Google Play. Additionally, the platform has garnered significant traction, accruing a subscriber base exceeding 20,000 on YouTube. This accomplishment not only highlights the platform's allure but also cements its standing as an immensely successful endeavour in the domain of Digital Education.