
Strategic Research and Insight
Brand Essence
Brand Strategy
Brand Naming

Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Brand World

Branding India’s leading institute in skill-based education

The Challenge

Beyond Odds Technologies sought to carve a niche in the competitive educational sector, emphasizing the production of “leaders” and “changemakers”. The challenge was twofold: to challenge the traditional view of education as purely academic and to dispel stereotypes associated with vocational programs, particularly in India. ABND was tasked with creating a brand that not only stood out but also deeply resonated with stakeholders at every level.

Our Approach

ABND adopted a thorough approach, leveraging both primary and secondary research methodologies:

Primary Research

This phase involved conducting in-depth interviews with key decision-makers and stakeholders across diverse geographical locations. One-on-one discussions with industry experts provided invaluable insights into prevailing perceptions, challenges, and needs.

Secondary Research

ABND conducted a detailed review of industry resources, including research reports, scholarly articles, and competitor studies. This enabled a deep understanding of market trends, identification of gaps, and formulation of strategic approaches.

The dominant narrative painted vocational education as a subpar alternative to traditional degrees. Beyond Odds Technologies envisioned a different reality – one where skill-based education empowered individuals and bridged the critical gap plaguing the workforce.

Our Solution

Brand Essence

Emversity emerged as more than just an educational institution. The brand was built to offer fair opportunities to individuals, irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds, setting them up for success in the real world. Through unique offerings like ‘Earn while you Learn’, the brand was established with a mission to empower the grey-collar workforce. With a focus on students who would experience respect in society through lucrative employment and setting the stage for future generations, a direct, transactional approach was essential.

This essence is encapsulated in the threefold acronym ‘ROI’:

  • Return on Investment: Signifying the tangible outcomes and benefits students could expect.
  • Respect on Investment: Reflecting the dignity and value attributed to every individual's educational journey.
  • Responsibility on Investment: Highlighting the responsibility and commitment of the brand to uphold promises.

Brand Naming

The brand essence inspired the name 'Emversity', a combination of 'Em' (representing employment, empowerment, and empathy from the brand essence) and 'versity' (derived from university). It's a promise: Emversity empowers individuals to secure fulfilling careers, fostering a sense of respect and growth.

Visual Identity

ABND crafted a visual identity that reinforces Emversity's core values. The logomark called ‘The Ripple,’ features three boomerangs, symbolizing the lasting impact of a single decision and its ripple effect on an empowered trajectory. The color palette further enhances the message. Bluish-green evokes the essence of learning and growth, while black reflects the financial aspect, highlighting that an Emversity education is a wise investment in one's future. Additionally, the modified sans-serif typeface complements the logo, creating a timeless and approachable personality.

ABND also developed a visual system for all Emversity schools, with each school’s color palette tailored to its specific industry/domain. This system ensures strategic alignment for the future, regardless of the industry.

Brand Personality and Communication

Emversity embodies the “Magician” archetype, serving as a magical mentor who inspires and astonishes. With captivating tricks, this magician illustrates the big picture and creates a transformative experience. Its tone of voice exudes transformation, confidence, reassurance, and clarity, reflecting this empowering persona.

The Brand Positioning, "An Education that Earns,” was translated to an external unit, succinctly capturing Emversity's unique selling proposition. The brand champions integrated internships, allowing students to earn while they learn, ensuring a quicker return on their investment and preparing them for immediate career success.

Authentic student depictions in real-world settings were central to Emversity's visual communication. This, along with imagery that incorporates families, illustrates the brand's far-reaching impact. The goal: empower individuals, transform families, and create a ripple effect of positive change for generations to come. The visual elements, including iconography, infographic style, and illustration style, were also established.


Emversity, launched in April 2024, secured $11Mn in seed funding. It’s a brand that focuses not on obtaining a degree but on financial independence and dignified success. Emversity is now accepting admissions for its inaugural 2025 batch.

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